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22nd October 2024 


What people have said about their lessons with me:

'After having been in pain for many months following herniated discs in my neck I found Julie and the Alexander Technique. I was able to come off painkillers and rebuild a sense of confidence in my body. Julie's lessons are reassuring, gentle and have given me the tools to move with more ease. After a while I realised that the A/T is a way to approach many things in life with less harmful tension. My lessons with Julie have given me the confidence to go forward in life with less pain and less anxiety.'
- Ann Walsh, Business Performance Coach

'Starting Alexander Technique lessons has been the best health choice I could have made. I had severe back pain which did not disappear after osteopathy and physiotherapy. With Julie I have learnt how to relax my body to make the pain go, and have gained awareness of the movements that caused it. I have also learnt to better control my breathing, and to manage stress to the point where I am no longer grinding my teeth at night.

'Julie is a very knowledgeable professional. She is also gentle and very thorough. I was impressed with her experience, and the different ways she helped me to apply the Technique to my daily life. Now, thanks to Julie and the Technique, I have tools to deal with pain and stress by myself wherever I am.'
- N. Guasch, University Lecturer

'Discovering the Alexander technique has been the best thing for both my body and mind. For two years I’d been in great discomfort with a bad stiff neck and uncontrollable, intermittent neck spasms. I sought help from my GP and various complementary therapies but to no avail. My first lesson with Julie was quite remarkable: I walked home with no neck tension, and spasm free. From that day I introduced AT into my everyday life. Because of her marvellous dedication, knowledge and passion I now lead a pain free life still learning and being able to let go of the many tensions that life can bring - it's thanks to Julie that I can now even pursue my love of running again and that’s something I thought I would never do again!'
- Juliette Ward, Visual Merchandising Manager for Caroline Charles UK

'I had to take early retirement because of chronic lower back pain and sciatica, despite trying osteopathy, massage therapy and physiotherapy.. The AT has enabled me to greatly reduce pain and spasm, to stand more comfortably, to ease tension and relax more, to move more freely, to improve my posture, to alleviate stiffness and strain and much more. It has benefited me on many levels - I feel I can participate in life again more easily, physically and mentally.'
- Laurel Newman, retired early years' teacher

'Although I love the feeling of leaving a lesson feeling more 'poised' and relaxed, it's not the lessons themselves that are the most important part for me - it's when Julie helps me to carry that awareness into my day-to-day life that it feels most powerful.'
- Tessa Ware, secondary school teacher/head of department

'Alexander Technique has helped me get rid of RSI and go back to full-time work. Now I hardly ever get back pain any more but if it does come back I know what to do to make it better by using the AT. It's helped me feel better generally.'
- Charlotte Blum, journalist

'Alexander lessons do more than just relieve physical aches and pains: they teach you how to get things done with much less effort.'
- Pam Johnson, writer, lecturer and mother

'It enabled me to return to a normal working life (I had chronic RSI). Now I find it really helps me deal with stress and general fitness.'
- Karen Fitzsimon, landscape architect and mother

'I'm very excited about the potential of Alexander Technique... I draw great health and mental benefits from it. It's about enhancing self-awareness and allowing the body to fall into its natural position, hence easing out any stiffness and pain. Thoroughly relaxing and enriching.'
- Jean-Kristin Lange, project manager

'I've tried many therapies - osteopathy, chiropractic, massage, physiotherapy, Pilates, acupuncture - to help manage my debilitating back pain and the Alexander Technique is, without doubt, the most effective at reducing pain and teaching a method for long term improved health. I have recommended it to many people and owe a great debt to my teacher, Julie Barber, for her instruction, care and patience.'
- Simon Clark, mental health nurse

'As someone with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome the Alexander Technique has really helped how I stand, walk and sit, and with learning how to relax my body. In particular it has drawn my attention to what I was doing with my knees. By simply not locking them backwards my pain levels have significantly decreased. The AT is also very helpful for learning to release tension, especially after dislocations and subluxations, and in learning to re-align my balance when standing and walking after being on crutches for a period of time. I would strongly recommend trying the Alexander Technique if you have EDS, it has improved my mobility and pain levels a great deal.'
- Francesca

'I first went to Julie when suffering from stress and pain due to tension. Her application of the Alexander Technique - gentle movements coupled with close awareness of my body - produced a soothing reaction. I learned to relax and soon felt the benefits. But it is not only physical suffering the Alexander Technique alleviates. I called Julie for help after a painful bereavement and the support her Alexander Technique offered became invaluable.'
- Dr Felizitas Ringham, university lecturer (Birkbeck)

'I first became aware of the Alexander Technique about 18 years ago and decided to have some lessons from Julie at a time when I was going through a very stressful period at work. I found the lessons extremely liberating - all the tension I was holding in my body disappeared under Julie's expert guidance and I found a new strength and confidence in myself that I didn't realise was there. One incident in particular stands out and illustrates the benefits of Alexander lessons very clearly for me. I had had a particularly difficult day at work and was dealing with the painful issue of staff redundancies. Under attack from distressed staff I left the office for the day not knowing how I was going to handle things the following day. I felt drained and deflated. Julie offered to give me a lesson first thing the following morning before I went into the office. I can only say that thanks to that Alexander lesson, I went into work with a clear head, renewed energy and confidence and the ability to work effectively. I got my direction back and the rest just followed. That has essentially been my experience of the Technique.'
- Maureen Loughran, theatre manager and mother